As we are getting ready for Christmas, Christmas gift ideas for the kids in our life are on the to-do list. There are many different types of presents and sometimes it’s hard to decide what to get for the loved ones in your life. So, we’ve made a list of some of our favorite items for those kids on your list too!

This list is written for the 2022 holiday season but it is still valid advice and items that work.
**Disclaimer – If you purchase through our links or photos we might make a small amount of money at no additional cost to you.
Toddler Gift Ideas
Toddlers of course can’t tell you what they want, but a great place to start is by thinking of the favorite character they love. Right now, some of the top characters are Blippi, Cocomelon, and Bluey. As always, Disney and especially Mickey Mouse is known by many toddlers. Some popular toys for this age are Little People. We just love them here and you can do anything from houses to Disney to vehicles.
Other popular non-electronic toys are Lego Duplo, which also has many types from characters to just plain styles to build. Wooden blocks are also another great toy for toddlers to play and build with their imagination. If you’re looking for an outside toy, balancing bikes are awesome.
Preschool Gift Ideas for Christmas
As they move to be a little older, some of the preschool to toddler toys still have a crossover but they get to have more pieces, puzzles, and games. One of the favorites that has lasted for a long time is magnetic building blocks. These are great to build with and to use them with other toys like cars and trains. Other preschool gift ideas for Christmas are Lincoln Logs, balancing rocks, and games.
There are many wonderful preschool games that make great gift ideas. Some of the classics include Chutes and Ladders, Memory Game, Hi Ho Cherry O, Break the Ice, and some newer games like Hungry Hungry Hippo Dinos, Count Your Chickens, and Don’t Spill the Beans.

Elementary Gift Ideas
Elementary starts bringing a lot of choices for gifts as they really start developing their own interest. You have things from dolls, trains, Lego, Barbie, and Squishmallows are still going strong too. Harry Potter figure sets are a strong item this year. Two sets of dolls that are popular this year are Shadow High and Rainbow High. Crafts are always a great idea, here is a sewing kit, but check out our blog post just on crafts if your child loves crafts.
If you’re looking for some more outdoor active suggestions, things like a bikes, sports ball, roller skates, scooters, and these outdoor games are lots of fun for them to do together. Also, another somewhat classic gift is Nerf guns for elementary kids, also with water guns. Side note, these are our favorite scooters and we get asked about them all the time. This is one of the top outdoor items my kids ask for.
Looking for something fun but educational? Look no further than Osmo. Even my kids still play with it and they got it in early elementary. Some other items are Snap Circuits, these are something we also still play with too. Great for engineering minds!
Gifts for Older Kids
As kids starting getting into middle and high school, their interests start to become more apparent which makes it easier to know what to get them. From 3D printers to gaming with a Nintendo Switch or Xbox, there are all kinds of electronics and also crafts for older age groups. If they are interested in doing their own YouTube Channel, consider lights or backdrops.
As always, when shopping consider some of the things they already like to help you find a gift. Amazon makes shopping easy with quick shopping options, but always pay attention to the pricing and return policy as some aren’t actually Amazon, but selling through Amazon.
Hope this guide helps make your shopping less stressful this holiday season!